Monday, May 18, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

iPhone jailbreaking reveals untapped functionality

Amidst a debate over copyright issues, iPhone hackers offer new features including recording video, adding profile pictures to the iPhone’s address book, call blocking, organizing apps, and (biggest of all) running applications in the background (rather than one-at-a-time):

Apple apps leveraged for war

Multiplicity of programs, adaptability, and friendly interface drive use of Apple apps in Iraq that range from providing language translations to the transmitting of sensitive information and working out trajectories for snipers:

Does data-driven design mute innovation?

A recent defection at Google raises questions about the quality of user feedback and its role in corporate decision making:

Blackberry Curve outsells iPhone in 1st quarter

Availability through all four major U.S. wireless carriers, promotions, and two hot models push RIM's share of market to almost 50 percent:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

URL shortening provides tracking information

A host of start-ups that convert unwieldy URLs into byte-size chunks are seeing their value soar by providing marketing data to their corporate customers:

Blackberry touts next-generation Storm

Research In Motion's answer to the iPhone is driving impressive numbers of non-corporate users to the touch-screen Blackberry device:

Facebook joins Twitter with platform giveaway

Competition has forced the two leading social networking companies to give away their platform to encourage linkage and drive up visits. Profits will have to wait:

Teenagers flock to wireless educational site ... about sex

Teenagers have lots of questions about sex that they prefer to have answered by an anonymous expert via wireless: