Robert has more than 30 years experience in the communications industry, including: media, and social media management and development, instructional design for instructor-led training, eLearning, and mobile learning; broadcast TV and radio, multimedia, and Internet production management; contract negotiations; broadcast writing; technical planning; financial/budget planning; client relations; product marketing and distribution; promotional campaigns; bids, proposals, and grant writing; and special event planning.
Indecomm Learning, Denver, CO (11/2012—present)
Senior Consultant, Learning Design and Program Management
Evaluate client needs and prescribe solutions for instructor-led training, eLearning, and mobile learning. Develop marketing materials, reformulate web content, and write magazine articles for Indecomm marketing efforts.
Mobile Learning Associates, Boulder, CO (2/2010—10/2013)
Senior Consultant
Responsibilities include marketing, designing, and developing training for organizations on mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), as well as instructor-led and web-based training, plus managing blog, social networking, and website. Also, producing, writing, directing, and editing videos.
ACS Learning Services, Inc. (now Xerox), Denver, CO (7/1999 – 2/2010)
Senior Instructional Designer and Project Manager
Responsibilities include managing, designing and developing instructor-led, web-based, and mobile courseware, as well as simulations. Lead instructional designer for the ACS mobile initiative. Manage and create content for projects focusing on software and technical instruction, performance management, project management, internal controls, project planning, accounting and tax matters, construction and safety techniques, and personal development.
IPX, Inc. (now Frontline), Boulder, CO (1/1999 – 7/1999)
Multimedia Instructional Designer
Instructional design, multimedia development and production management for web-based corporate soft-skills training courses. Research, write, and design interactive multimedia courses in soft skills training for distribution to corporate clients over the Internet and on CD-ROMs.
TeleTech, Inc., Denver, CO (6/1996 - 8/1998)
Multimedia Applications Manager
Oversee the use of all video and multimedia in corporate sales presentations, trade shows, training programs, etc., including the hardware and software platforms on which they operate. Produce and program videos and multimedia programs for presentations and standalone use. Provide media for Internet applications.
Amrita Productions, Boulder, CO (2/1992 - 6/1996)
Executive Producer/Writer/Director
Produce, write, direct, edit, and market various types of video, audio and/or print projects for corporate clients, including the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, US WEST (now Century Link), First Union Real Estate Management, Castle Pines Golf Club, the University of Colorado Foundation, Re/Max, and the Business Radio Network.
Rocky Mountain PBS (Channel 6), Denver CO (6/1985 - 2/1992)
Produce, direct, write, narrate and report/interview for a variety of programs including weekly series, documentaries, and specials. Produce and direct live multi-camera studio and remote productions.
United Cable Television of Colorado (now Comcast) Englewood, CO (1/1985 - 6/1985)
Produce, direct, shoot, write, and edit programs and commercials to air on the nation's (then) 11th largest cable TV system. Also, reporter for metro area newsmagazine.
Scripps-Howard Cable Company, Longmont, CO (1/1983 - 12/1984)
Director of Local Programming
Creation and management of local origination and public access programming and production; design studio and remote equipment packages; oversee regional community programming effort; anchor, produce and write nightly newscast.
Colorado Public Television, PBS (Channel 12), Denver, CO (8/1980 - 12/1982)
Station Manager
Manage day-to-day operations of public VHF television station in a top 20 market, including supervision of programming, public relations, fundraising, production, engineering, and administration.
Colorado Public Television, PBS (Channel 12), Denver, CO (6/1978 - 8/1980)
Business Manager
Development of personnel policy, accounting systems, and insurance programs; membership drive coordination, grant-writing, and administration.
Town of Ward, Colorado (11/1974 - 5/1978)
Town Manager
Write Home Rule Charter and various laws (elections, water, etc.), maintain financial records, administer elections, write grants, etc. for town.
Stanford, University – Palo Alto, CA; Political Science/Economics
* Theatre reviewer: Variety magazine (2004 to present), the Denver Post (2003 to 2011), KUVO-FM (1996 to present),, (2000 to present), and the Arvada Center program guide (2011 to 2013).
* Travel writer: The Broadmoor magazine (2007 to present).
* Golf history consultant: Castle Pines Golf Club history project, 1994 to 2006.
* Boulder County representative: Colorado Baseball Commission; successful campaign for Colorado Rockies Major League Baseball Club and construction of Coors Field, 1989 to 1995.
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