Monday, February 16, 2009

The influence of wireless on human behavior

We know that cell phones have altered our lives, but to what degree? How are our perceptions of reality changing and what effect will this have?

The empire strikes back

Microsoft tries to keep pace in wireless operating system competition:

The greening of wireless technology

Cell phone manufacturers begin offering sustainable technology:

TV networks and manufacturers nix the 'net

Why the television industry is putting the brakes on television set connectivity:

Wireless industry takes on school systems

Industry studies touting cell phones as learning devices are being leveraged to argue for mobile learning in public schools:

Do social networkers kick sand in your face?

Don't let Twitter-tatters dictate the protocal for interactions:

Convergence: Your mobile device is now a library

With Amazon now offering its Kindle formatted e-books as downloads for a variety of smart phones and Google offering its Book Search on iPhones, the planetary library is at your fingertips: